Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday Library Assignment

1) In Hong Kong, Taiwan and China the families are tight knit and are always working. They work in hot, dirty work environments with many workers for very late hours and sometimes the whole night. The wages are extremely low due to the bad economy and is raised slightly higher than all the other wages to force the workers to stay on the job. All three of these countries are very similar in the way their work environments are and the jobs are much the same as well. The education is horrible as well. Compared to the United States they work much less hours in America and make much more money. Also the jobs are in much better work environments and they are much more safe and comfortable. The education is much better.

2) Workers happiness is very important in a productive work environment. In places like China the work environment is terrible and very dangerous. In the United States we mostly work in very safe environments and an example is Stop and Shop which is very safe. An example of a bad work environment in China is the sweatshops for Nike.

3) Apple is a highly recommended and respected company throughout the world. They have good work environment and provide safe work places. They are very


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Class Activity: International Greetings

Japan: They meet with a bow and they are very respectful of each other. They depart with a bow as well and are almost military in their respectful manner. When they accept a gift in Japan, just like America they show a lot of respect to each other and say thank you for the gift. When they share business cards they bow and respectfully exchange their cards.

Germany: In Germany they click their heels when they meet and give a firm handshake. They do pretty much the same thing when they depart where they click their heels together and give a handshake. When they accept a gift they respectfully show thanks and will most likely give a gift in exchange. When they exchange business cards they do the same thing as when they meet and they say thanks and get personal in a deep conversation with the other person.

Mexico: In Mexico they kiss on the cheeks when they meet. When they depart they do the exact same thing and pray for the other person. When they Give and receive gifts they show thanks and kiss and hug. When they exchange business cards they handshake and show thanks.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


1. South Korea, Germany, and Hong Dong.

Ticket price in Germany-38
In U.S.-52

South Korea-
Ticket Price in South Korea-49
In U.S.-0.04

Hong Kong-
Ticket Price in Hong Kong-385
In U.S.-15

Theme Park Project Link


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Natural Disaster Reflection

After looking at CJ Harts slide I learned lots more about the 2010 Haiti earthquake. He talked about the infrastructure issues it caused and how it destroyed homes and businesses obviously taking down their economy. I then looked at Quinn's slide about the 2011 tsunami and earthquake in Japan. She talked about the great amounts of lives that were lost and the almost endless amount of money that was poured into the cleanup and re-build of the infrastructure. This tsunami destroyed many parts of Japan and took many lives with it, the economy suffered greatly due to the devastation of this disaster.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Haiti Earthquake Economic Effects

The Haiti 2010 earthquake was one of the worlds worst natural disasters. It ruined business, homes, and lives. People did not know it was coming it wasn't long until they were hit. People and the economy suffered so greatly from this disaster. The way it destroyed the economy particularly in Haiti was because the post-disaster fix was so expensive and it stalled the economy in the Haiti for a while because so many businesses were hurt. The clean up, just to give you an idea how big it was, is still going on today and it happened 6 years ago. Haiti will never be the same after this. Businesses were completely ruined and that is how this disaster effected not only the economy of Haiti but also the people and businesses inside it.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mini Research #1

International television is huge. People from all over the world can watch and it is amazing because it is a living, breathing example of international business. Channels from Bravo, to Telemundo, the golf channel, syfy, and many more are broadcasted all over the world. The shows within these channels are viewed from all over. Not only is this really cool, but it is great for business because they can make more money from the rest of the globe. Shows that are broadcasted all over the globe are shows such as, Family Guy, golf, The Middle, The Simpsons, The news, and even Sesame Street. These shows are so much more watched than you would think, I mean there are kids in China watching this. These shows will never be forgotten for the global legacy they leave all over the world because of international business.

I personally think this is very interesting. I would love to it in on a meeting of the heads of the television channels and here what they have to say. It in the end all comes down to money and what is best for business, is best for business. It would be dumb to not make a global market out of the television business, because you can make more money. Overall I fin it really cool to know people in China are watching the exact same things we are. This is international business at its best.
